Wednesday 27 August 2014

... und was für ein verregneter Sommer es war! Herrlich für alle, die Hitze und Sonnenbrand lieber mieden, wunderbar für Kinder, die gerne im Schlamm spielten, und perfekt für die drei alten Damen, die sich insgeheim ungemein freuten, dass kein vernünftiger Erwachsener dieser Tage, unnötig lange Zeit außer Haus verbringen würde, um ihnen Vorschriften zu machen. Es sollte eine Zeit der Freiheit anbrechen, eine Ära der Anarchie, ein all-abendfüllender Schabernack, sobald sie einmal das Gebäude der alt-ehrwürdigen Einrichtung des Lilienfeld Seniorenheims verlassen hätten... sobald, sobald...

Sehr bald!

The Magpies #3!

Monday 19 May 2014

excerpts from my contribution to Roger Omar's lovely Dream Project: look here > and more info here>

Sunday 27 April 2014


get The Magpies #1 and #2 together - as digital colour printed 18-pages zines for 9,- € - just drop me an email - thanks a lot!

Friday 11 April 2014

I made screenprints

these prints have A3 size on Munken paper, are 3 coloured and I sell them for 30 € a copy
write me an email and let me know, if you're interested

Tuesday 11 February 2014

comics compilation along a day in the city

Tuesday 4 February 2014

the station
excerpt from »Tagesreise« - a city comics compilation

Sunday 22 December 2013

Berlin im Oktober

Sunday 15 December 2013

excerpt from a dog comic, I made for Dog Comics #2 made by Rose Robbins at Often and Mistakes
you can purchase it here

Thursday 17 October 2013

excerpts from the magpies # 2 - soon to be finished and printed as little zine

Thursday 10 October 2013

Yay! - I'm featured in the latest Mr. Spoqui zine: #41 Dance - it's a really bautifully made book with a delicate choice of paper, inspiring interviews, photos, collages and illustrational contributions - the topic is all about dance and reading the zine almost feels like visiting a lovely modern dance performance - check it out here: